Saturday, September 4, 2010

September 4th Test IIII

The logic in this piece baffles me. Mike's position is that the union, whether it's good or bad, should take the deal and be grateful they have jobs. It's naive to say they should just take the deal. These skilled workers have helped make the company what it is and the comany has helped the members build lives and raise their families. They each have skin in this game. If company survival is at stake management needs to show the numbers and not just say they are necessary to stay competitive and it's incumbent upon the Union's executives to independently verify that data as well.

The problems arise in management, both union & corporate, who have their own agendasand instill a sense of entitlement with the rank and file workers. There is a balance to be found and it is up to the union to elect reps that truly represent them and who can see the big picture. Cuts are inevitable now, but they don't always need to be deep.

I am a member of a Guild. Over the last 4 contract negotiations we have given back on wage increases in exchange for larger employer pension & health contributions. It was important and the general members knew it because *we had the financial data* needed to make that choice. The union negotiating team had the foresight to get the data in the year before contract negotiations and to inform membership. Corporate didn't balk because they knew we had the data and a balanced deal was struck in 3 days of bargaining

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