Wednesday, October 6, 2010

into seeing

Fang Yunlong lying on the ground do not know life and death,uggs boots on sale while avoiding open-hyun pythons flying sword, the body side, just to find people who attack their own, they found a change in the immediate scene, surrounded by gray, do not see anything to the angry hissing python-hyun cried. Is in fact square meritorious opportunity to reverse the legend, the tree layout of the array, the materials and space constraints, power down, but stuck there for a python-hyun grasp. When you see the black flame attack Hyun Fang Yunlong python, the party meritorious extremely anxious, could not help but throw shooting at the hands of the sword python-hyun, intentions Weiweijiuzhao, but still one step too late, seeing Fang Yunlong be black fire hit. Fang Fang Yunlong meritorious quickly toward the internal forces burst, with the sleeves off a black fan the flame, I saw Fang Yunlong half of the body has been burnt black, his face black gas. Fang meritorious heart pain, quickly propped Fang Yunlong, hand stick in front of the "tanzhong points" in one hand and affixed to the pubic region, internal force flow, is intended to help get rid of their grandchildren venom. Hyun python but only candle dragon descendants of ancient animals, the drug very, how could so easily get rid of. Side could not withstand the internal forces meritorious service toxins in the body meridians flow of grandchildren, will flow into seeing "Tanzhong Point" in order to merit not help the look of despair emerged, but the party did not find merit to trying to enter in the toxic "tanzhong points ", when worn on the chest Sachet Fang Yunlong in the small Stone issued a light blue, light blue body of a block toxins in the" Tanzhong Point, "the outside, and sometimes a stalemate down.

This process is a long story, in fact, that moment happened. When Fangyun Long fell to the ground by black fire hit when the tree squirrel seems to hesitate a little, but still immediately into the tree holes, and instantly went to the Fangyun Long before it came out, although the squirrels seriously injured, but did not think it's speed or so fast. Squirrel jump Fangyun Long shoulders, front paws holding a thing about half an inch tall, exudes a red light, much like a little baby sitting, hand, foot and taste, white and transparent, extremely delicate little face. Squirrel first thing this baby spit blood, and then on the front side meritorious "creak" to call, the action side merit to see squirrels, it seems come to understand, hand took, touched some hard, did not understand on the squirrel, said: "This can save my grandson? on the wound, or let him eat?"

Squirrels seem to understand the words in square meritorious service, pick up small things like the baby's mouth to the Fang Yunlong place, but Fangyun Long closed his mouth, do not put in, is anxious squirrel-like "creak" barking. Fang meritorious to take over quickly, pinch open Fang Yunlong mouth, put Fangyun Long's mouth, was surprised to find that the baby thing immediately becomes a running water instantly flows into the Fang Yunlong in the stomach. Meritorious service to the Fang Yunlong in the side to feed the baby anything, squirrel fell down, looked at having left eye was the giant trees on the tree.

Eating something like a baby after that, I saw Fang Yunlong who issued a touch of red, his face black gas quickly receded, and then burned the place also restored the original color, the body seems to have become more ruddy skin . Just listen to Fangyun Long "ah" sound, woke up, opened my eyes when actually released two red light, and then restored to normal. Meritorious service to see grandson woke side has really cried, holding Fang Yunlong actually shed tears, moved to speak. Fang Yunlong do not know what happened, just remember to python-hyun seems to have been hit, and then unconscious, to see his grandfather, it is estimated that he might go in a circle in the face of death.

Thought of this, Fang Yunlong Cui Sheng, said: "I'm sorry Grandpa, Longer let you worry about, but in the end what happened?"

Grandchildren to hear the words, side meritorious stabilize your own emotions, their grandchildren have been saved, after all, came, no longer do those children of the state, touching Fangyun Long's head, said: "Long Son, after you can not do such dangerous things, really scared grandpa. have you been hit by the flame black python-hyun and Hyun python also fell into the layout of the reverse legend array grandfather, and now trapped in the array, It is estimated that half past one would not be out of turnaround. Grandpa thought you probably doomed this time, but got a little baby squirrel ran things like feed you, Grandpa is also reported that the chances of psychological services to you Next, I did not expect really saved your life. "

Grandpa heard the words, Fangyun Long did not expect such a serious injury by the squirrel had been able to run over to their drug delivery, and it does not take himself, looked up and saw the tree, but did not find squirrels figure, are not asked : "Grandpa, squirrel it?"

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